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Question: Good day!The PageSpeed Insights (http://developers.google.com/speed/pagespeed/insights/) tested your website.One of the recommendations of the service - Use the browser cache (If you specify in the HTTP headers for date, and expiration date for static resources instructs the browser to load previously downloaded resources from local disk rather than from the Internet.)I know that this feature is configured on the web server. Is it possible to configure this feature on your host?And another question, is it still like that to optimize my host account in order to reduce the server response time?Thank you for your answer.

please Check now.

Question: Cache earned. Thank you.What about the response time of the server, it is possible as that to optimize, or not?

this is optimizarea settings of the site itself

Question: Actually, it depends not only on the site settings, but also from the work of hosting :) If not, then not. Thanks for the help.

each Sayat is its response time

Question: Good day!Checked again the website with PageSpeed Insights, which again showed that the browser cache is not used. Also found no information in control panel installed on the \"Loaded Modules\". It is possible to solve this issue?

please Wait, the request is sent to the administrator.

Question: Thank you.

what exactly is on Your website You are not cached? it is on Your website, because for external services on Your website speech can not go.

Question: At the moment I`m interested in, is installed and running on Your hosting these services: mod_expires and mod_headers? Specifically, I am interested, do you provide the ability to enable caching of my site in the http headers?


here it is perfectly clear that the caching of enabled and running.

not cached and should not be caching only Thu maleishego no relationship to the hosting server does not have

Use the browser cache for the following resources:
https://static.doubleclick.net/instream/ad_status.js (15 minutes)
http://www.googletagmanager.com/gtm.js?id=GTM-KG3W2N (15 minutes)
https://connect.facebook.net/en_US/fbevents.js (20 minutes)
https://mc.yandex.ru/metrika/watch.js (60 minutes)
http://www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js (2 hours)


Question: Thank you. But when I started writing this ticket (17:15) the list was a lot longer.

this can`t be right. You have set everything up immediately date:25-04-2016 10:11

Question: To not argue with You. In any case, the screenshots are not saved, and do not think that in this situation there is a reason for that. 10:11 indicators were much better than at 17:15. If You say that everything is done and the error could not be, then perhaps it is. Thanks for the help. Have a good night.

thank you z obrashenie tech support

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