Possible solutions of your questions

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Question: Does not have a website ***.*.What is the reason? *.* works

please Do a trace to Your domain: start - run - enter cmd - in the black window enter tracert YOUR DOMAIN - after click to highlight - making enter - skopirovat here in the ticket

If You are experiencing zatrudina, view instructional videos http://ded**.net/helphost/tracert.htm

Question: Microsoft Windows XP [Version *.*.****](C) Microsoft, ****-****.C:\\Documents and Settings\\Dmitry>***.*Tracing route to ***.* [**.**.*.**]the maximum number of jumps **: * <* MS <* MS <* MS ***.***.*.* * * * * <* MS **.*.*.* * * * * Timed out for the request. * * * * Timed out for the request. * * * * Timed out for the request. * * * * Timed out for the request. * * * * Timed out for the request. * * * * Timed out for the request. * * * * Timed out for the request. ** * *
Question: Microsoft Windows XP [Version *.*.****](C) Microsoft, ****-****.C:\\Documents and Settings\\Dmitry>tracert krovli**.Gerasimovka route to krovli**.EN [**.**.*.**]the maximum number of jumps **: * <* MS <* MS <* MS ***.***.*.* * * ms * <* MS **.*.*.* * * * * Timed out for the request. * * * * Timed out for the request. * * * * Timed out for the request. * * * * Timed out for the request. * * * * Timed out for the request. * * * * Timed out for the request. * * * * Timed out for the request. ** * * * Timed out for the request. ** * * * Timed out for the request. ** * * * Timed out for the request. ** * * * Timed out for the request. ** * * * Timed out for the request. ** * * * Timed out for the request. ** * * * Timed out for the request. ** *** ms ** ms ** ms duna.hostven**.EN [**.**.*.**]Trace complete.C:\\Documents and Settings\\Dmitry>

utochnyat of kacieismyne was done on the website and when there is a problem

Question: The problem originated somewhere in hour ago. Before edited *.php

what exactly was edited? Dalli backup?

Question: The backup has not been done. Added * tag to establish rights to a site to Yandex
Question: Also added a few pages. Pictures + text. After editing *.php.

were what cosmelenia in the site settings?

Question: No

 loadable content from an external source?

Question: no

after what specific changes has the problem?

Question: The site has earned. Has there been some work?

no work was performed, not performed and not planned to be conducted. the problem in any way with the hosting is not connected.

we checked the site for viruses and here is the report http://krovli**.EN/AI-BOLIT-REPORT-__-******-**-**-****_**-**.html, posmotret could this be the reason

Question: Thank you

soobshaet if required vosstanovit files from backup. before the changes, make a backup and try

Question: Hello!For example, another site was faced with a similar problem.The reason for the website is the connection of website scripts with a remote IP address. As soon as that address is not responding — the site is (or rather only on the outside).Found out that the cause of such compounds of the malicious code. We calculate and fix, but until more stable work of a website:You can close for our server connection ***.***.**.*** (*.*.*)? Hope so, this should help.Thank you in advance.

Hello. ip ***.***.**.*** the server is locked

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