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Question: Hello.I need for the project *.* Add the following options in apache*public_html*.*public_html*.*/

Hello. You can do putting when you add a domain to this folder

the path is /dashboard/public_html/dombukh.EN/backend/web/ does not make sense

Question: I made a mistake.*public_html*.*public_html*.*/I need to at *.* was the directory /public_html*.*/and at *.* was the directory /public_html*.* useless. That all was fine in Apache we need to configure.Give access I`ll do it.


While creating additional domain dombukh.ru point it at the folder  /public_html/dombukh.ru/frontend/web/

the second folder we can create a symlink

in Apache to manually configure anything it is impossible, because server is the control panel not allowing edits to config. due to the custom changes possible securedna web server

if You need configure Apache I can offer You vps server http://www.erahost.ru/tarif_vps.php

Question: \"on the second folder we can create a symlink\" what is it?
Question: Made for http://*.*/ root /public_html*.*/Do for http://*.* directory /public_html*.*/

I did

Question: Thank you) that is necessary), And how I can change if that word*?)) you to write?

Yes, write to us

Question: Hello.Please help! * *

the modified

Question: Nifiga yourself what a fast support :)))) thank you))))


thank you for contacting the technical support



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