Possible solutions of your questions

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Question: I have installed in the main directory ( WordPress, I moved my website) ,I created another directory ( the second site ( public_html*.*.* ) how do I set it to offer you a turnkey blogs, etc.)

Hello. we have no ready blogs

Question: In the toolbar I can set *обзорWordPress Demo*Demo review* *.*Joomla*phpBB*Demo обзорMagentoInstall*Demo review* etc. How do I install in the right directory. ( or, if the installation will give a choice)

it`s not templates, it`s engines sites. when Ustinovka have a choice. now this plugin is not activated during the day will be activated.

Question: ie tomorrow I can install..when you install will give me the choice which directory to install?


here is an example installation  http://ded**.net/faq/softaculous/wp/

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