Possible solutions of your questions

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Question: Stopped working forum 6p3s.ruSQL error: Access denied for user `ua9uco_igor`@`localhost` (using password: YES)SQL error code: Date: 12.5.2016, 11:52Востановите please.

please Check now.

Question: works but at the end of the page is displays the frame from mySQL query error: INSERT INTO ibf_sessions (id,member_name,member_id,member_group,login_type,running_time,ip_address,browser,location,in_error,location_1_type,location_1_id,location_2_type,location_2_id,location_3_type,location_3_id) VALUES(`5c2a1b583fe4475ecad0a8905f8ca8d1`,\",0,2,0,1463054833,``,`Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/50.0.2661.94 Safari/537.36 OPR/37.0.2178.43`,`sf`,0,\",\",`forum`,6,\",\")SQL error: Incorrect integer value: \"for column `location_1_id` at row 1SQL error code: Date: 12.5.2016, 12:07

Your script works with mysql 5.6?

Question: I don`t remember (

utochnyat  what do the engine.

Question: the site is just a set of html pages, no engine

html base rabotti can`t. with the database running php.

we can migrate Your website. the old version of mysql

Question: IPB version v2.1.7 (ID: 21013)SQL Version MYSQL (5.6.30)PHP Version 5.3.29 (cgi-fcgi) ( PHP INFO )this data in the admin forum found.Worked all day to segodneshnego?If you guarantee performance translate to an older version--- but make a backup

the server has updated the version of spacious to mysql 5.6 . now we will move the website to another server.


Details sent to [email protected]

change DNS

Question: changed

wait for the DNS updates

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