Possible solutions of your questions

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Question: *schnick want the URL characters from upper case becomes lower. Found the solution how it`s done http://*.*/****/**/**/*/The problem is that it requires support in web server.Tell me, you can include this support?

the Question referred to the administrator, wait for amp.


You made the rules  redirecting to the website in the file .htaccess ?


the request sent to the administrator.


for Your reference stated rule (.*) ${lc:$*} [R=***,L]

You have  RewriteRule ^(.*)$ ${lc:$*} [R=***,L]

here you can test the rules


Question: I`m sorry, but I`m not good at these * :( could you help to understand why is not working as you need?I your text is not much understood. What is \"your link specified\". The article just stated * ^(.*)$ ${*:$*} [*=***,*] and this I put in the file .*, and the result you can see for yourself.I used your link to test, I entered the following values:http://*.*.*.*kAtalog* ^(.*)$ ${*:$*} [*=***,*]The result there showed the following: http://*.*.*.*:kAtalog/}I do not understand much what it means, but logic dictates that it seems like everything is correctly recorded and should be translated to lowercase just what`s in the curly brackets after If my guess is correct, then why my website doesn`t work and redirects to some not existing page, and the URL shows that is substituted is not clear how the value *.

why is RewriteRule ^(.*)$ ${lc:$*} [R=***,L] and not RewriteRule ^(.*)$ {lc:$*} [R=***,L] as in the example?

Question: Eugene, honestly, I don`t understand why you are asking this question, because I copied what is stated in the article http://*.*/****/**/**/*/, and there as times written * ^(.*)$ ${*:$*} [*=***,*] (two dollars, not one dollar).I can make the screenshot code from the article and you will see what it says as I point.Moreover, I just tried your option, with one dollar * ^(.*)$ {*:$*} [*=***,*] and received *, and the URL became vid:http://*.*.*.*public_html/%**:*public_html/%**:*public_html/%**:*public_html/%**:*public_html/%**:*public_html/%**:*public_html/%**:*public_html/%**:*public_html/%**:*public_html/%**:*public_html/%**:*public_html/%**:*public_html/%**:*public_html/%**:*public_html/%**:*public_html/%**:*public_html/%**:*public_html/%**:*public_html/%**:*public_html/%**:*public_html/%**:kAtalog/%**%**%**%**%**%**%**%**%**%**%**%**%**%**%**%**%**%**%**%**%**

Here is a link to an article on redirect, there are two choices of redirect:


the First version of the rules:

RewriteEngine OnRewriteBase / RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^[^A-Z]*[A-Z].*RewriteRule ^ ${lc:%{REQUEST_URI}} [L,R=***]

the Second version of the rules:

RewriteEngine OnRewriteBase /RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} [A-Z]RewriteRule (.*) ${lc:$*} [R=***,L]
Consider and try them.
Question: Your website subjected to restrictions during the last ** hours*looking at the chart http://**.***.**.***:****/***********/*.html* reached ****.* * after the page is barely open, and now all *** error issues. This is after attempts to test the rules you specify.

how have you tested? what exactly you do?



use the second method.

Question: > how have you tested? what exactly you do?removed old code .*, kept new, checked the URL with a capital letter, looked at it and tried the following вариантыhttp://proadminz.*url*/Second method works, but:*) as in the comments to the article, at the end of the URL adds an extra slash*) do not work scripts, symbols (*** *), i.e. all URLS (including scripts, stylesheets and images) fall under these rules.

then you need to adapt the rules to the desired site.

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