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Question: the server does not see the uploaded cgi file

Hello. describe the problem in more detail. which file needs to see the server?

Question: hello.cgi

what is hello.cgi ? as it should see the server?

Question: 404 message does not see the file perl program that generates an html page

what does hello.cgi have to do with perl? perl files have the extension *.pl

also, Your perl script must support the output to the browser.

just let us know where You see 404 . in the ticket there is no link to the page where you can see the problem

Question: http://tarankov.testr1.testforhost.com/public_html/cgi-bin/hello.cgi?в index.html in the form there is a link on hello.cgi

the link does not make sense

the folder public_html this is  http://tarankov.testr1.testforhost.com

therefore to get the address http://tarankov.testr1.testforhost.com - you just need to download the files in the AEC public_html

If this is a perl script it must have the perl extension script.



the perl script must have a Directive output to the browser otherwise it will error 500

Question: a simple cgi script #!/usr/bin/perl -wuse strict;use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);use warnings; print \"Content-type: text/plain\\n\\n\"; print \"Hello, world\\n\";stable issues 500может is not considered in configuring the web server?


Question: all pl files (perl) that generates a page, the browser correctly responds to Russian text. tried all encodings what to do?

You need to set utf-8 encoding

Question: how to pay terminal?

Select a payment method from the list Bank charges or Other ways is convenient for you.

Question: as a test domain to go live
Answer: Specify what engine Your website
Question: are http://tarankov.testr1.testforhost.com/ nueropathy on http://mifendlegenda.com

Domain mifendlegenda.com unregistered.

Question: what determines register?

Where you ordered it? You have very good hosting.

Question: I ordered mifendlegenda.com but I for beta tarankov.testr1.testforhost.com testing finished payment made want to get http://mifendlegenda.com

Domain mifendlegenda.com you need to buy. it does not exist

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