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Question: Good day! I wrote on may 16 regarding the transfer of the domain name and You are suggested to register the settings ns1.hostven01.ru ns2.hostven01.ru. All this is done, but address www.kovrovik.com.ua not working. On the website domain I was told to contact You.Sincerely Lily


Yes, the DNS You are correct, but You need to Park dmaen , to make him mesto from where it is I`ve got to work for it, vospolzuytes amps. see \"Additional domains\", where You will be able to Park your domain, and assign a working folder. The machine it did not happen as You had specified domain < / span>kovrovik.com (under which account was created) and not kovrovik.com.ua.

Question: I don`t know how to make a working folder. Turn to the section additional domains. There is an option to create an additional domain. I write down the address kovrovik.com.ua. Other fields are filled in the automaton. Save. Is that all?

Yes, and everything after that domain should work.

Question: Thank you! Long will have to wait until work?

the average update requires 2-12 hours.


now upload the website files.

Question: here in detail:) I don`t know how and where to upload website files. I`m new:)

when you add a domain You specified the path to the folder of the website, or took znachenii on umolchaniyu. here in this folder and Nagano to upload website files. to download you mroute in the file Manager panel or via ftp

also can log in tiolovy Manager in the domain folder directly from the menu - additional domains by clicking on the folder path of the domain in the table the list of added domains.

http://ded07.net/ help on how to use the panel

Question: clear. I have those that I previously downloaded will be in a different folder? I need to move them?

Yes, the website files should be in the folder.

Question: That is, all files in the folder public html should be moved to the folder kovrovik.com.ua?

all files domena kovrovik.com.ua move to the folder of the domain kovrovik.com.ua

Question: The fact that I try using Filezilla and I got the first folder is the public html ( well, except for the hidden folders in which at the beginning of the period). In the public folder is the html folder kovrovik.com.ua and like bin, cache, images, components, templates, plugins and others with whom I have worked, and also different files. These folders and files should be moved to the folder kovrovik.com.ua? I may be wrong

You can do easily move through the \"file Manager\" in Your cPanel, or we can nazvanii domain < / span>kovrovik.com.ua as the main domain, so its working folder was public_html and not public_html/kovrovik.com.ua

Question: Yes, please do a second:) Thanks for the help!

files transferred.

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