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Question: How do I write a command in the crown right?on other hosting I like :/*php**/*php*vhosts*yok.*.yok.*.php



Help to configure cron jobs. I want the file http://domen.ru/*.php starts every day at **:**
Have a cron job add the command
/usr/bin/php spacebar Polnymi > /dev/null *>&*

/usr/bin/php* space Polnymi.php> /dev/null *>&*
, specifying the minute *, hour **, and in the remaining fields, leave the asterisk.

or wget -O - -q-t * http://yourdomain.com/cron.php > /dev/null *>&*
key \"-O\" specifies the output to the console (instead of saving to a file), \"-q\" makes it quiet (no screen output) and \"-t *\" specifies to make only one connection attempt.

Question: Is it possible to get the result after Kron sent?

What do you mean?

Question: when the crown makes a request, perhaps there returns some text. Can I see the text? and how can I test did crowns?

Kron is performed according to schedule and he only runs the specified script. No text Kron does not return. He can only redirect output of script to null.

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