Possible solutions of your questions

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Question: I have error *** * on the categories?

please Check the rights for folders and files.
the Law must be just *** files *** folders. Law *** is prohibited and does not require
In the file .htaccess should not be of type php settings php_value, php_flag. php is running as cgi and make these customizations in the php files.ini .
Error You can see in the control panel, the error Log

Question: All rights are changed .* revised.The path in the admin is registered,and the address doesn`t open.No categories,no sub categories:http://*.*.*catalog*unisekshttp://*.*.*catalog*
Question: The main page works, the products page works,and categories and sub-categories-no.

the problem is checked

Question: Waiting,thanks,guys)
Question: The problem has not disappeared,but yesterday it worked(((
Question: And what version of php *.* or *.*
Question: Are you alive?

PHP Version by default *.*

Question: And need *.*

PHP *.* installed.

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