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Question: Hello . I would like to create your own website to promote their products. attempting to register on - * POPs up the message Maximum number of databases you can create is reached, so installation cannot continue.http://***.***.***.***:****/***********/*softaculous*.*.php*=**&*tell me what I`m doing wrong


 You already have a base himgroup_joom***. what website she prinadlejit?

Question: Eugene, I tried to create a website with a different domain name. can tell me how to delete this database and start to create the site *?

you can remove the menu database

http://ded**.net/ aid for use panel


then again to create a wordpress site

Question: thank you, I will understand



Question: Hello. when you create a site on wp , if passing on your domain *.* website podgruzhaetsja , and the page in the browser fails with the following message: unable to access saitone cannot find the * server *.*.DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAINпомогите to understand, bought the domain name *. * yesterday, could it happen because of the UN-configured * server , although the site where I purchased this domain, it indicates that *

You need to register the settings of our DNS domain:

ns*.hosthp.net  IP:***.***.***.*** 
ns*.hosthp.net  IP:***.***.***.***

to make Your domain work with our servers.

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