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Question: I think I incorrectly installed WordPress on a subdomain. The website http://kasiet.interzarabotok.ru. My site is located here at this address: http://kasiet.interzarabotok.ru/wordpress/Можно do something to fix it and do without \"wordpress\" to make it : kasiet.interzarabotok.kimono without consequences to move the files from the folder \"wordpress\" in the folder above, and remove the \"wordpress\" folder. To get this site open as it should be at: http://kasiet.interzarabotok.ru


Reinstallation is possible? Or only transfer files?

Question: I still (re-install, or move), if might help, as long as everything was working properly. Yesterday afternoon installed and configured the theme, a reluctance from scratch to start again. Can help, to rectify my mistake. Thank you

you need to completely redo all the links in the database, to clean out the wordpress. in phpmyadmin

Question: So you have to remove the database, user, WordPress, and just all reinstall?

Yes, re-install and re-install in the field where to set the website simply enter the directory \"/\" and not /wordpress. Is that understood?

Question: Yes, I just realized this:) Just thought maybe there is a better way. ASSORTED shorter:). Okay. Thank you very much


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