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<< Previous       Binding folder on the FTP with the domain name of the website

Question: Good afternoon, prompt please what to do. Set up FTP ftp://[email protected]:[email protected] that goes into the folder /home/dn010885/public_html/atestat , I loaded in the data folder of the website. But when in the browser address bar набираюhttp://[email protected] only appears the text: \"Index of\" . When in the address line type http://andrej-milko.dp.ua/index.phpто page writes: \"Not FoundThe requested URL /index.php was not found on this server.\", although the file index.php there are in the folder /home/dn010885/public_html/atestat . Please tell me how to bind the contents of the FTP-kataloga to the domain name. Maybe I copied the contents of the website are not in the directory? Where the right to create folders for site content, if sites several?


When you add a domain You have specified a folder


download it

Question: Thank you! Helped.


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