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Question: Good day! tell me please, I want to import the xml file. But when trying to do it using a custom plug-in throws the following error Site error: the file /var/www/rybsovet/data/www/rybsoveti.ru/wp-content/plugins/wp-shop-yml-parser/classes/class.ImportYml.Project.php requires the ionCube PHP Loader ioncube_loader_lin_5.3.so to be installed by the website operator. If you are the website operator please use the ionCube Loader Wizard to assist with installation.I don`t quite understand this, but as I understand there is something with the php version was wrong? If Yes, then do not say how to upgrade the php version on the hosting, and whether to do it? Site after the upgrade will work as before?

please Check now.

Question: miracles))) Thank you very much!)) The best tech support!)

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