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Question: again,\" Bandwidth Limit Exceeded. The server is temporarily unable to service your request due to the site owner reaching his/her bandwidth limit. Please try again later.\"http://www.brunotoscano.comhttp://www.brunotoscano.ruhttp://www.brunotoscano.kzhttp://www.fulltorg.com

Hello. the load creates a website brunotoscano.com . will traffic

Question: Please tell me what data You are checking it out.Logs downloaded, check.

we watched General statistiku on the server. available only to the administrator.

Question: The start time of the load have to say?
Question: And level of traffic
Question: Also wanted to clarify what kind of load do You think is critical

no, there are only General statistics . view statistics possini panel in statisticheskih tools, if you included them.

Question: Statistics of visits... these are the Logs - Latest visitors?And You have not answered the question: \"wanted to clarify what kind of load You consider to be critical\". When a disconnection happen.

the system can disable a website when a sudden influx of visits . naprimer generation of traffic in a few easy GB per hour. if no SAG then the limit increases automatically and does not affect the operation of the sites.

Question: Eugene, do you have any more accurate numbers? Need to check from our side.

we have passirio You channel, everything should now work consistently.

Question: Thank you. Will control.Vitaly, Eugene is still a question. We have formed the file in the root AI-BOLIT-QUEUE-0374ec857381230fa83049643ce3cdee.txt - what`s that?

we check your website for viruses since this may also be the cause. we will notify You when the test will end and report will provide

Question: Thanks for checking.Went through the logs. It was not much load when downloading. There is a pump of the photos, but the light in the range of 100-200 KB. Before gig here and close does not reach.
Question: and bots went from Yandex

we will inform You the result of the validation




Question: Yes, I already postreleasei no. Single file is petrikova check. Kill him, so as not to scare the antivirus. Folder phpmailer/docs and /phpmailer/test too. .htaccess check. There are differences.Thank you.


Question: Question: and as far as increased channel? And what was that?

doubled. was 50 GB

Question: thank you. we will be watching.


Question: the ticket is closed.
Answer: Since the issue has been resolved, we are closing this ticket. In case, in Your opinion, an unsatisfactory answer, You can always create a new one or reopen this ticket with my answer.

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