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Question: Please tell me. Yesterday I tried to edit the file .htaccess. Then the site stopped working. Posted in tech Support. Of Eugene helped and restored.But I still need to amend .htaccess to optimize your website speed. Now the files I have as many as 3 file .htaccess:1) .htaccess (the beginning point)2) .htaccess13) htaccess (without dot at the beginning)Which one is working? (that is now running on the website)Can I delete the other 2? (because they are unnecessary, just confused because of them)And is it possible to make changes to a work htaccess change (not fearing that website again zaglyuchit) to speed up the site ( I need to add caching on the client side for faster downloads)


with the help of .htaccess speed optimization is not carried out

the only file which can rabotti has a name .htaccess

no other is not a configuration file. only .htaccess

Question: Eugene, look at amps. to this : https://github.com/Claud/.htaccess/blob/master/.htaccessМожно make me the same .htaccess (he habrahabr.ru)? The site is not zaglyuchit? Just in: developers.google.com/speed/pagespeed I need to enable compression, caching, etc. as one tverdyat \"do it right .htaccess\"

for what purpose do you this file?

for each line you have to be conscious and aware of the need for cahoona

Question: Use cache browseronly to specify in the HTTP headers for date, and expiration date for static resources instructs the browser to load previously downloaded resources from local disk rather than over the network. This is written on a speed test on developers.google.com/speed/pagespeed. All they say is done in .htaccess
Question: I have speed: 62 / 100.No matter how much I read the information correct .htaccess say love need.

it does not need to touch main .htaccess of the website. make in the root of the separate account .htaccess

Question: .htaccess of the website and additional .htaccess? Both With the same name? And both will work?

there`s no other  .htaccess

the configuration file can only be called  .htaccess otherwise it just a meaningless file

place  .htaccess directives optimize the above folder.

Question: Inside the themes folder? next to the template folders

above the public_html folder

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