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Question: Hello.There was an extra slash in the letter sent with the goods.http://thai-raj.EN//index.php/katalog/detskie_vatnye_palochki_s_lipkoy_poverhnost_yu_pigeon_korobka_50_sht_должно to be like this: http://thai-raj.ru/index.php/katalog/detskie_vatnye_palochki_s_lipkoy_poverhnost_yu_pigeon_korobka_50_sht_Раньше this was not. Site settings through the admin panel did not change. There is a suspicion that the error occurs on the hosting.Error: http://thai-raj.ru// Please help to resolve this error.

Hello. Hosting no relation to the slashes can not have. Thu proverjat of menalos on the website. Especially the forwarding rules. check out both links are given on the website. so it is not clear what do you mean \"before\" ? server eizmendi was conducted. You need to carefully check the configuration of the site

Question: Thank you.

proverit as specified adoes site in the admin area if there is such option.

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