Possible solutions of your questions

<< Previous       504 Gateway Time-out

Question: Hello. The website sagentci.com hosted on your hosting . gives 504 Gateway Time-out . Help solve the problem.


Your site works fine.

please Do a trace to Your domain: start - run - enter cmd - in the black window enter tracert YOUR DOMAIN - after click to highlight - making enter - skopirovat here in the ticket

If You are experiencing zatrudina, view instructional videos http://ded07.net/helphost/tracert.htm

Question: Here is the result http://prntscr.com/bkel80Не works not only for me, not running the client, it comes with a mobile, does not work for users from other cities too.

the Question referred to the administrator, wait for amp.


the site uses the external network?

Question: I don`t know what it is. Filled to the hosting and everything.

what filled? what engine website?

Question: WordPress latest. Moved from another hosting. Until today everything worked fine. 2 hours ago the client called and said the site does not open. Didn`t do anything, nothing was added, nothing has changed.

zaidie in admin area and disable plugins. then switch on one at a time and check. we now check a website for viruses.

Question: all plugins are disabled.

you perenco hosting-infected website



here you have predonzani cod



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ispravlyaet all. and smenet passwords.

Question: Only this file /home/domias/public_html/sagentci.com/wp-content/themes/mystique/header.php


you have moved to a hosting site of infection

http://sagentci.com/AI-BOLIT-REPORT-__-225869-24-06-2016_11-15.html the open the report

Question: Removed the infected code from the pages
Question: The password for the admin site has changed. Where else should I change passwords ?

everywhere. but first of all clean the site. access to the site is open for your ip. worse than hours of the website for search engines only dangerous website. if the site entered in the black sheet, you can say goodbye poseshenii website. poet will start cleaning the site.

Question: Passwords changed, the site cleaned. Open access to it, please.

please wait, we will check the website


open access

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