Possible solutions of your questions

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Question: Hello! My website *.* located on the WordPress platform. there`s also bred a lot of functionality popular plugin *. It is, in particular. the locking module bots. which I use frequently. Today it was discovered that bot to http://*.ilook.*.php*=****&*=* plays my records, and I made it (*.ilook.*) in the list of bots that are not allowed to enter the site.However, after that the functionality of the site was broken. gives when you press any of the options of WordPress and in particular I need the plugin to roll back, the following: *wp*admin*admin.php*.Apache/*.*.** (@*.* **. Help!

Hello. do you have a static or dynamic ip& if dynamic, try to change ip? go in admin area and disable this plugin or urate Prazdny your ip from the block list, probably you have blocked your plugin

Question: Clicking any option in WordPress leads to *wp*admin*.php*.Apache/*.*.** (@*.* **. Nothing can be done.

you have a problem with the plugin gotowy that made you .htaccess . you need to remove these rules from it. a problem in the lock

Question: Suddenly, the site began to function normally and to cope without my intervention. Thank you for your advice and efficiency.

we have removed You from the rules file .htaccess

# BEGIN Bad Bot Blocker
SetEnvIfNoCase User-Agent \"Abonti|aggregator|AhrefsBot|asterias|BaiDuSpider|BDCbot|Blekko|BLEXBot|BuiltBotTough|Bullseye|BunnySlippers|ca\\-crawler|CCBot|Cegbfeieh|CheeseBot|CherryPicker|CopyRightCheck|cosmos|Crescent|discobot|DittoSpyder|
SetEnvIfNoCase Referer \"ahrefs\\.com/getintent\\.com/semalt\\.com/kambasoft\\.com/savetubevideo\\.com/sharebutton\\.net/soundfrost\\.org/srecorder\\.com/softomix\\.com/softomix\\.net/corp\\.sputnik\\.ru/myprintscreen\\.com/joinandplay\\.me/fbfreegifts\\
Deny from env=bad_bot
# END Bad Bot Blocker
# BEGIN Blocker harmful bots
SetEnvIfNoCase User-Agent \"Abonti|aggregator|AhrefsBot|asterias|BaiDuSpider|BDCbot|Blekko|BLEXBot|BuiltBotTough|Bullseye|BunnySlippers|ca\\-crawler|CCBot|Cegbfeieh|CheeseBot|CherryPicker|CopyRightCheck|cosmos|Crescent|discobot|DittoSpyder|
SetEnvIfNoCase Referer \"ahrefs\\.com/getintent\\.com/semalt\\.com/kambasoft\\.com/savetubevideo\\.com/sharebutton\\.net/soundfrost\\.org/srecorder\\.com/softomix\\.com/softomix\\.net/corp\\.sputnik\\.ru/myprintscreen\\.com/joinandplay\\.me/fbfreegifts\\
Deny from env=bad_bot
# END Blocker harmful bots

they were the problem

Question: Thank you!Will fully function module -blocker harmful bots?

probably not

Question: Hello! Possible previous problem got twisted sequel. The fact is that when you try to insert in the page (old or new) of the file image (WP engine) after trying to load by *-* the sec gives \"HTTP Error\" (Error PHP)- izobrajenie insert fails. Let me remind you that we are talking about the domain *.* and you managed to * days ago to correct the error with the message \"*wp*admin*.php*.Apache/*.*.** (@*.* **.\" deleting contents in file .*. Write files to a folder *, as I understand it, seems right. The fact that any changes in the settings after I was carried out. Please. view.


did You do any changes on the website?

Question: As I wrote above - did not.

 < / span>deepcool-ma.com infected we started the scan, wait for amp.


utochnyat what caching plugins ustanovleny

Question: Good morning! your site is installed plugins (a long time) : WP* and *.

try to clear the cache

Question: The cache has been deleted. Can I send to cache all pages again minutes later**-** (this option is) to avoid slow loading pages?

now try to add the page

Question: New material to add pages there (they were added), and it was not possible to add images. Tested. to add a picture - the same result: HTTP Error.

try to otkluchit plugin Autoptimize

Question: Disabled. Attempt to add a picture - gave the same error. Maybe it is in the file .*, who three days ago were corrected (see the middle of the correspondence in the ticket)?

return to edit

Question: No, everything was back to the terrible condition - see the first entry is the website when you click any option it gives an error *- shame as it was *-* minutes ago!!!
Question: No visits to the admin panel of WP impregnable: when any button is pressed: \"*wp*admin*.php*.Apache/*.*.** (@*.* **\". !!!!! Back!!

please Wait.


what are the security plugins you`ve ostavlyali?  the problem is in the security plugins. also soobshil you have static or dynamic ip and soobshaet

Question: Is great and properly for months *-* WP*/. In this case, a request to return as * that* of hours ago. Add pictures - will come back later (that is, in the forums to add code. including .*), I have to leave the computer **-** minutes.!!! Without this plugin, the Site will be quickly hacked.

Sites is not so easy to crack. hacking occurs due to the affected module or the infection. to do this, use Toko official modules the latest version and not use themes taken from unknown sources.

Question: See that the control via the admin panel of Wp and attendance recovered. Add pictures yet -problem. If that will bother you to the end of the day. Vosstanovlyu plugin optimization and cache if you do not arrive within two minutes of objections.


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