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Question: Good day!Want bought you hosting, Vibram rate Line-2 I ukazav as domain sambirmobile.com.Three dni I pratsyuvav on the test domain. Now meni need, platiti for this rate, but I want Smythe name domain smartmix.com.ua Yak TSE all right to do?


on what engine Your website? if wordpress changing domain the website is not an easy task, you need our database of the website however, all links change domain

if the site is filled with Yong it is easier to perestroit it an new domain

Question: So, the site retroblast on WordPress. Ie meni need oformiti povnistyu a new application for hosting+domain pid him koristuvacha?

You need to change just the domains?


no, the hosting is nothing to do with brand.

just wordpress all links to the domain to store in the database, and if you just change the address in the panel then you vseravno all links with the old domain , everything links

so you need to base each link to change to a new domain

here is described ka keto delaetsa




Question: Thank you for parmacy ale Troshkov not porosomes, I may demo other on Uvas. From divis skrinshoty - when oplat http://prntscr.com/bm29tn I option hosting account http://prntscr.com/bm2an5При Oplot, here specified old domain that I vodev three dni ago. At a time CLT changing his mind I want a different domain - smartmix.com.ua. I want platiti s tsogo koristuvacha hosting rate line 2 + domain Novi - smartmix.com.ua.

as we have: you just don`t want to prioritate domain sambirmobile.com that ? and just replace with smartmix.com.ua ?

Question: So, same way. TSE vzhe later if I buy the hosting you s domain, then it bude prinositi website s of your test domain roneo.testv1.testforhost.com/ Novi - smartmix.com.ua

the main domain changed to smartmix.com.ua

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