Possible solutions of your questions

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Question: Good morning, could you help me to install SSL certificate. I sent the letter data to install the certificate but I can not understand what what Italy to enter. Thank you!


please Wait.



install certificate, You will first need a dedicated ip

to purchase a dedicated ip you want here


without a dedicated ip you can not install the certificate


Question: The hosting I have, how long do I have to fill up what would you put on the IP
Question: Kind of like went! on the other!

please Wait.

Question: You send data to install SSL certificate?

now we`ll put You on the allocated ip and inform on further actions.

Question: well, thank you!

Your ip vydelennyi

zaidie panel menu - block menu - security - menu SSL/TLS


there`s the Install and manage SSL for your site (HTTPS)

click on Manage sites with SSL

the menu Domain to viberate Your domain

fill the field

data come out of your certificate files



Question: I did, but the site is not working, пишетSORRY If you are the owner of this website, please contact your hosting provider: [email protected] is possible you have reached this page because:

you need to wait for DNS updates. your website translated to a new ip but the browser you are trying to go the old. Nuzhnenko to wait. do not go about an hour on the website and clear the browser cache

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