Possible solutions of your questions

<< Previous       Do not load the files on the site.

Question: Hello! I have a website on Your hosting: http://mediadjat.ru Trial shop. The problem is this: recently ceased to boot files the products in my script store no restrictions and there are no errors, but files are not loaded: https://yadi.sk/i/8vQd3jEussLSa Assume that there is some sort of filter from Your hosting. Please help to understand with a problem!


let the folder files are downloaded to the website as and when there is a problem? what has changed on the website?

Question: Here is the path to the folder in which downloaded files: public_html/mediadjat.EN/files/downloadsТочно can`t tell when the problem occurred approximately 1-2 weeks ago.

the folder and all enclosed folders have prohibited Parva 777

grant the rights to folders to 755

on the file as 644

Question: Set the rights to 755 on the folders and files downloads and law 644 on the file: .htaccess in the downloads folder but the download is still not happening.

utochnyat oshybku what you see. give her a text, not a video and not a screenshot. please teksavvy information except the code, lead, tekstong the ticket. citing a source


Question: The fact of the matter is that there is not any mistakes! When trying to download the file after a few seconds the boot process stops without any errors and the file is not loaded.
Question: Now in the forums I searched and found this interesting article: http://forum.simplacms.ru/topic/4785-ошибка-загрузки-цифровых-товаров-больших-разм/ Can I do the same thing?
Question: there hosters raised setting: post_max_size and everything seems to work

you have a problem with loading any size file?

Question: It used to be as described on the forum - files are over 11 mb are not sprules, but recently stopped to boot!

do not load any files?

Question: Now I tried to download the zip file of size 1.5 mb and various pictures downloaded, but files over 10 mb are not loaded.

factory settings are

upload_max_filesize = 50M

post_max_size = 50M

Question: Now tried to upload the 10 mb file is not loaded

specify  parametry more than 10 MB

what error do you see?

Question: No there is no error!

you just do on the website weren`t changed? in all parameters corresponds to all

Question: In addition to access rights 777 to 775, nothing!

have installed any plugins? are there any settings cytogenicity to boot?

Question: Neither of which do, or do not set restrictions on downloading, no!

how can we проверить7 you can share and tell what to do?

Question: You access to the site to give?

You can give access to Your admin so we can check?

Question: address entry: http://mediadjat.ru/simpla/ login: admin2пароль: 88888888В admin panel go to \"catalog\" in this section, go to the card the very first product \"Landing page to create landing pages\" Icon to add a file is against the column \"number of PCs\", try to select any file to upload above 10 mb and click save.

after the authorization check:


Question: Sorry for the delay I`ve been away. Try again to go.

soobshaet procedure


ps. You are strasner to put such passwords? will postaviat normal password please

Question: In admin panel go to \"catalog\" in this section, go to the card the very first product \"Landing page to create landing pages\" Icon to add a file is against the column \"number of PCs\", try to select any file to upload above 10 mb and click save.It temporarily made such a password. After You finish the test I will remove this password.

the Problem is checked


utochnyat`s bitersweet? the website writes about a successful fix?

Question: The download file must be attached and uploaded to the website - look at the example of any other product - we`ll see that the files attached.
Question: After successfully uploading a file gets \"window Item changed\"

and then where you can view the downloaded material? we downloaded archive

Question: Loaded in this folder: public_html/mediadjat.EN/files/downloads

when was the last time you downloaded the files? what is the name of the last file?

we have checked all the settings on the server, we do not have limits less than 50 MB

Question: Last time I downloaded 12 APR. 2016 file: kyhni1.zip

yeah, right. why sprosili, you have no recent archives.

Question: How to get out of the situation?
Question: How to solve the problem?

m check the problem


m check the problem

Question: Hello! There are some results for my website?

not yet, check the


please Check now.

Question: No, do not load files!

upload a file that size downloaded, we will check the log

Question: downloaded the file: texture.jpg

which one?


Question: first

upload the archive

Question: Downloaded: heder.zip

try a larger volume.

Question: How many mb?

for example 20mb

Question: Tried to download the archive: 777888777.zip but it is not loaded

how long have you lasted boot?

Question: about 10 seconds

try install the same engine on the subdomain and to upload the file into it. all limits on the server prevyshayut required You should work

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