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Question: Good time of day. There is the following problem, I installed via cPanel*, and began to tie it to the extension, one of them is called * the light sintaxis the description https://*.*.*:*provided that the engine runs on *.The extension has been installed, but syntax highlighting doesn`t, is there a possibility somehow it achdebit?


where you can see the problem*

Question: For example, тутhttp://*.*.*.*SQLвход: demouser*demopass
Question: In principle, support * there?

Python on the server, where you can see the problem?

on the site only two python script


Question: OK, I will try to look for the problem, in the description of the module says that with a certain version, they switched to Python, in the folder of public_html*/is the module * as I understand it, is to compile the module. I added debary in itself *, but they are empty.


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