Possible solutions of your questions

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Question: Hello. On our website tonight somehow involved permanent redirect to https://fastspots.ru/ Like the machinations of rivals. Please help me to understand what it is installed. .htaccess seems untouched.

Hello. Turn off https on the website. You have no right to use it. the right to use https only from accounts with dedicated ip address

to order dedicated ip here http://erahost.ru/billing.php?do=tarifip




the validation report of Your website


Question: I do not quite understand. We have not included. Tell me how to turn it off. And as https may be associated with a redirect to the competitors site?

website files mention fastspots.ru in the file

public_html/template/php scripts/logs/76561198139681660/SteamChat.log

Question: Apparently this is the attacker. First visit was tonight. So https here to blame or seek a redirection in your code?

you have a database user


 name of the chat it code redirect


delete this user from Your site. and disable chat. chats are not allowed. and you because of it problems.


redirect in the user name . remove it

Question: Found sql injections. Will rule. Thanks for the help.


Question: Another question on the chat. You said that You got chat banned. We are now used to send messages to a third party comet server. On the hosting database user and the chat history. How critical this situation is? Without chat and notifications on the status of the transactions the purpose of our website is lost almost completely.

you`ve got a problem when using the chat , another problem may be bots in the chat

Question: In this respect, I agree. So to make protection from bots is still needed. But without chat and pushey us in any way. And the problem with the names decided.

she appeared again as soon as you register such user

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