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Question: Good day! Trying to set up a redirect from the domain http://*.*/ the domain http://*.*/. But redirect is not working. What could be the problem? Redirect is set in the ISP panel

Hello. http://alta-saratov.ru/ this is not a domain, this url . domain is  alta-saratov.ru

utochnyat what and how are You doing?

Question: *.* do a redirect to http://*.*/

enxjybtn how do you do this?

the fact that the redirect is the only way with the help file .htaccess . if you make a panel that she is trying to make parvela redirect. we recommend you to make changes and designs available ACCOR since vnesenie panel rules might conflict with .htaccess file of Your website

Question: Understood thanks)


Question: Prescribed redirect is via a file .* When you try to check the redirect issue Technical information: error *

utochnyat what tether did you use? where is it located? in which folder?

Question: Path /*.*

folder /www/alta-saratov.ru/webstat site does not apply. why do you work there?

this is the folder statistics

Question: OPA I blunted sorry

You did?

Question: Added a redirect to the file .* path /*.* the result is the same Technical information: error *

redirect is incorrect. you are zamaskirovalis system symbols

Question: You could me to set up a redirect?

so Ukazat alta-saratov\\.ru

Question: Cannot find *the server address *.*.

need to Escape back slash and only point.

You need to register so:

RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} alta-saratov\\.ru


this domain with our hosting does not work. for his work we do not answer

if you hotjet to make it

add to the list of DNS paneli

ns*.bitrix**.EN IP: ***.***.***.*
ns*.bitrix**.EN IP: ***.***.***.**

Question: *HTTP_HOST*\\.* (.*) http://*.*/$* [*=***,*]Browse all spelled out correctly? Gives the same error
Question: In the domain control panel?

the website altasaratov.ru works. no error  see

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