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Question: Hello!Want to change main domain account dveri-sochi23.ru on the door-сочи23.RFI to do a 301 redirect with dveri-sochi23.ru on the door-сочи23.of the Russian Federation in the file .htacsessНемного confused in panel.... How can I do it?


and where is located the domain dveri-sochi23.ru ?

Question: Will stay on this hosting...

are you sure you want to change the normal domain dveri-sochi23.ru on domain XN---23-EDDJHVB7CRN7E.XN--P1AI
 domain`s door-сочи23.Russia

Question: No, I`m not sure:) I now have a domain dveri-сочи23.Russia ordered your DNS and they will change soon.Well, tell me how to do a 301 redirect from the door-сочи23.of the Russian Federation on dveri-sochi23.ru ?

while add a domain XN---23-EDDJHVB7CRN7E.XN--P1AI in Your panel as parkovanie domain

Myung-panel - aliases

Question: Added!It is \"XN---23-EDDJHVB7CRN7E.XN--P1AI\"

now wait for DNS updates

Question: OK!

then simply change the site settings domain

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