Possible solutions of your questions

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Question: good day, did a trace, copied that to make Dalles:\\Users\\Sadir>tracert mastersio.Gerasimovka route to mastersio.ru []with the maximum number of jumps 30: 1 * * * timed out for the request. 2 32 ms 38 ms 36 ms 3 * * * timed out for the request. 4 * * * timed out for the request. 5 * * * timed out for the request. 6 * * * timed out for the request. 7 * * * timed out for the request. 8 * * * timed out for the request. 9 * * * timed out for the request. 10 * * * timed out for the request. 11 * * * timed out for the request. 12 175 ms 165 ms 179 ms zala.host17.info []Trace complete.C:\\Users\\Sadir>?


you have DNS updated. Website you available? You acutaly website files to a folder?

Question: can`t upload files

what does this mean?

Question: uploaded the website files to the folder what`s next?

website files should be in the folder public_html/ are you there now there are no files. You`ve downloaded the archive but not unpacked his

please Check now.

Question: how do I extract please tell me

we`re done

and unzip in file Manager pane

Question: thanks Eugene for your service till next time

Thank you, that appealed to customer support.

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