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Question: Good day!We have hacked the site izumka.com.ua. tell me, please, do you have a backup of the website at 13.07.15 and can you restore it?Thank you


On a specified date only have the backup. Files are created once a week. To clarify the availability of the backup files?

Question: Specify, please.thank you

please Wait.


Hello. there are backups and for 12 and 13

but it does not solve the problem. on what engine your website?

now we will first check it for viruses.


site verified. upon completion of check a report will be generated

then we can rebuild the website TIZ backup

based on the report, you will need to take action. perhaps the site has a critical vulnerability which need astriti. well, check if you have on the website weak passwords

Question: The website on the engine, PrestaShop a Vulnerability exists in the template. After recovery of the loans, \"patching up holes\".Thank you.

there are \"holes\" the site is checked.  this is not the first hacking site.

Question: On the server a lot of files that are date-changes 13 Jul. So, to restore at least the 12th
Question: And probably scan for viruses after recovery..

please Wait.


here, look


Vulnerabilities in scripts (3)
/home/zatoleg/web/izumka.com.ua/public_html/0424/modules/revsliderprestashop/inc_php/framework/image_view.class.php - NI : REVSLIDER : http://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/35385/
/home/zatoleg/web/izumka.com.ua/public_html/0606/modules/revsliderprestashop/inc_php/framework/image_view.class.php - NI : REVSLIDER : http://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/35385/
/home/zatoleg/web/izumka.com.ua/public_html/modules/revsliderprestashop/inc_php/framework/image_view.class.php - NI : REVSLIDER : http://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/35385

Question: After restoring files with critical vulnerabilities will be removed (the modules are not used).I understand that I alone can not restore data from backup.Is it really so?Will You be able to check the site for vulnerabilities after recovery?Thank you.

Yes, the apartments. in Your panel, login as the user, zaidie  partition backup , select backup and swipe nony vosstanovlenie him.

Question: Successfully completed the recovery from 12/7/16, phishing, however, the file still remained. I understand he`s been there before.Now (1.5 hours ago) put in recovery from 11/7/16. Tell me, please, how long to wait for recovery and how to know that the recovery is still in the job queue.Thank you.

the website  https://izumka.com.ua/ru/ works. alconet where you see a phishing site.

Question: The phishing page was home/zatoleg/web/izumka.com.ua/public_html/config/xml/blog-ru.xml (removed manually). Its contents contained a text with reference to PayPal and was completely different from the original.
Question: And backup for 11/7, as I understand it, already deleted and therefore, the rollback never happened. Right?

Yes, in the 11th number of copies.

Question: If you can, scan again, please vostanovleniju version of the site I-Bolita.Thank you.

Site is checked

Question: Thank you, waiting for..



validation result


Question: Thanks for checking.The attack continues.Tell me, please, is there any chance that the hacked server, not just scripts CMS?Thank you

no. the site you were hacked a long time ago. it is necessary to eliminate vulnerabilities. TK is also recommended to contact the company revisium


they fix the website and supply security guarantee

Question: That is, You guarantee that the attacker got access to your VPS and not changed (added) the system files.We thought we`d ask You to reconfigure the server from scratch and reinstall an SMS site.If reinstalling the server is not required, write. We then proceed to reinstall the system.

the server is not hacked. the only problem is the website

Question: Excellent, thank you.


Question: When installing SMS PrestaShop in the log error:PHP Warning: tempnam(): open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/tmp) is not within the allowed path(s): (/home/zatoleg/web/izumka.com.ua/public_html:/home/zatoleg/tmp) in /home/zatoleg/web/izumka.com.ua/public_html/classes/PrestaShopAutoload.php 158Подскажите on line, please how to fix this error.

 you ostanovilsya website?

Question: Is not installed. Redirects to /install/ and white screen.In the logs [Fri Jul 15 06:27:30 2016] [error] [client] PHP Warning: tempnam(): open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/tmp) is not within the allowed path(s): (/home/zatoleg/web/izumka.com.ua/public_html:/home/zatoleg/tmp) in /home/zatoleg/web/izumka.com.ua/public_html/classes/PrestaShopAutoload.php on line 158[Fri Jul 15 06:27:30 2016] [error] [client] PHP Fatal error: Class `Tools` not found in /home/zatoleg/web/izumka.com.ua/public_html/classes/PrestaShopAutoload.php on line 168

you all the files uploaded?

Question: Yes, Tools were also.Now we are going to install on the local computer and fill already installed.

there you have no files

watch, then you

drwxr-x--x 10 zatoleg zatoleg 4096 Jul 15 06:32 .
drwxr-x--x 10 zatoleg zatoleg 4096 Jul 15 04:25 ..
-rw------- 1 zatoleg zatoleg 18 Jun 16 19:20 .ftpquota
-rw-rw-r-- 1 zatoleg zatoleg 13454306 Jul 15 04:45 1.ZIP
drwxr-xr-x 9 zatoleg zatoleg 4096 May 20 13:10 _adizumka
drwxr-xr-x 17 zatoleg zatoleg 4096 May 23 04:53 _classe_
drwxr-xr-x 4 zatoleg zatoleg 4096 May 20 13:10 _controller_
-rw-r--r-- 1 zatoleg zatoleg 894 Mar 18 2015 _favicon.ico
drwxr-xr-x 19 zatoleg zatoleg 4096 May 28 16:42 _img
drwxr-xr-x 2 zatoleg zatoleg 4096 May 20 13:10 _localization
drwxr-xr-x 130 zatoleg zatoleg 4096 Jul 15 02:16 _mod_
drwxr-xr-x 5 zatoleg zatoleg 4096 May 20 14:20 _override_
drwxr-xr-x 5 zatoleg zatoleg 4096 May 28 16:42 _translations
-rw-r--r-- 1 zatoleg zatoleg 53 Jan 7 2015 google2e3d279e05f45b87.html
-rw-rw-r-- 1 zatoleg zatoleg 21544717 Jul 15 06:01 prestashop_1.6.1.5.zip
-rw-rw-r-- 1 zatoleg zatoleg 21529488 Jul 15 04:04 prestashop_1.6.1.6.zip
-rw-r--r-- 1 zatoleg zatoleg 169 May 19 04:55 yandex_727a62c63253d36e.html


is not all



Question: I`ve unpacked the archives with the distributions of site version and (on the server).Unable to unzip again..

but there is not any index file Ani the installation folder nothing

where are the actual files of the site?

Question: See. All unpacked

Yes but all the files have root user ! You have not changed the owner

Your bug is fixed . check

Question: Thank you. To learn more and learn..


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