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Question: Good afternoon. I am now preparing a package of changes to ortoself.ru but as always, I am afraid that will face the problem of the rights to files and folders. When I copy to the server all rights lose ... You once I provided the file in which I could go and machine the entire site was exposed right Can me again to place it on ortoself.ru at the root, from there I`ll pick it up.. don`t want once again you then pull)) I will be Very grateful..

Hello. permissions must be 644 for folders and 755 for files. we will always be able to change them. it`s not a problem

Question: )) Yes, on my local computer, same problem. here looking for a way out..

you have windows?

Question: yeah. Open Server is

then what about the rights of speech? there are no rights on linux

Question: Yes, the system is misused. didn`t want to upgrade to a newer version. figured out it could not create the folder for backup..

a folder has been created?

Question: Good afternoon. Now preparing a new version of the website for perelisky on combat server. Old will be banging. I can now put the script for automatic installation of the rights to folders and files.. After filling I need to make changes. that would not inhibit the activation process of the new website.

you have a website from which you will load where? on linux or on windows?

Question: I have on Windows is OpenServer I now bekapy in the archive directory with the site and I will pour on the server.

operating system windows or linux?


in windows there are no rights, so rights change when you download is not required. you load them on umolchaniyu. and on the right umoljani true

Question: thank you) If that in an hour will accomplish your goal.. still shake my backup of the old version of the site..


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