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Question: Good afternoon. Want to download BCAP, but he`s in 7 th day

Hello. your message is not clear about what became is it how You uploaded and where. utochnyat please problem details


Question: I meant to download
Question: and that backup from last week, though on ideas should each day be done

what kind of became is it? the name of the file?

Question: in vesta, there is a tab Beeby where can I download the actual backup

you only have one backup


you have no room to create ecapov, the system stops creating backups when otsutstvie place for them. now you are employed  40G place of the 50 . extreme backup over 12GB . new backups created can not physically because nowhere


Question: We somehow often begin to fall out error from the database 28, it can be connected?

if the backup was created while working with the database is possible.

Question: Well, thank you very much


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