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Question: Hello. In phpMyAdmin can`t run the command UPDATE#1142 - UPDATE command denied to user `dneprloc`@`localhost` for table `ps_product` In section C-Panel MySQL Database \"user rights Management\" can change permissions only for User: dneprloc_avtokioКак you can add rights to the user dneprloc ?


you may not be the user < / span>dneprloc, check the user that is connected to your DB and check again.

Question: I go into the PHPMYADMIN through C-PanelЯ IN PHPMYADMIN (not in the script!!!!!!!!)trying to run the command UPDATEОтвет MySQL: Documentation#1142 - UPDATE command denied to user `dneprloc`@`localhost` for table `ps_product`written Here: UPDATE command denied dneprloc`@`localhost for table `ps_product`I never ENTER, POLZOVATELEY user dneprloc_avtokio , which I put in C-Panel all rights included

You perform a MySQL query or import the dump?

Question: perform toprotect запросаUPDATE `dneploc_avtokiosk`.`ps_product` SET `price` = 2500 WHERE `ps_product`.`id_supplier` = 2 and id_category_default=36;

This query in phpMyAdmin successfully executed:

UPDATE `ps_product` SET `price` = 2500 WHERE `id_supplier` = 2 and `id_category_default` = 36 LIMIT 1;

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