Possible solutions of your questions

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Question: Good day!What happened to hosting?suddenly, all resources, domains, subdomains and extra domains became inaccessible.we all have the same error:*.* *** *handle*.Help to fix it please as soon as possible.


your account has sent spam

expect we will provide you the scan result sites

report from what ip you will be working

Question: Strange ((( I don`t do spam. maybe my ACC was hacked? find out how to fix it?my ip now **.***.**.**

Yes, suspected hacking. now after a few Minct the outcome of a test

Question: The account is open (( the first break-in in history... what steps should take to make it happen again?You can find out which site was hacked?


this report

Question: The picture is disappointing, adnaka... I will take action. When you can make the sites available?

you need to clean them from viruses. you can`t show the infected sites to the search engines , because they put You in the black list

Question: What do you recommend to do to remove viruses and protect against hacking?

to start tedious to resolve the specified vulnerability by update Asimov and plugins, then delete all viruses and files pochistit Saito malicious code here

Question: understood.and then you can scan to check?


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