Possible solutions of your questions

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Question: Why on my website http://xn--80aalesn2bffcc6m.xn--p1ai/ wrote : Bandwidth Limit ExceededThe server is temporarily unable to service your request due to the site owner reaching his/her bandwidth limit. Please try again later.


System overload protection block account for their excess. sites Your create a very large overload that danoje beyond the regular hosting, You need VPS

We launched the account, but to ensure that in the future will not be like I can`t.

Question: How to see what files are heavy? On the website is a small knowledge base access which is just a few people. We need to understand how such huge volumes of traffic.

you have files that are constantly downloaded? files or videos?

statistics are available in the control panel

Question: there is no video, there are one or two ekselen large tables, we put them on Yandex.disk. more than anything huge should not be

prewrite statistics do not attack you bots

Question: this is where we must look? in what section?

the menu block metrics.  there are statistical tools

now we will check Your website for viruses


Question: I went into the Robots/Spiders visitors (Top 25)I See that the main traffic from Unknown robot 42.17 GBIC then this can be prevented?

with robots.txt

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