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<< Previous       Change the IP addresses on the hosting.

Question: Good day! As far as I understand, You have changed the IP address on the hosting where is my website tur.net.ua with on In this connection stopped working my site because the domain is configured via A recording lead for IP-based hosting.In this regard I have the question naturally arises, is it possible to notify me in such cases is to work my site is not compromised? Or You can provide a static IP address of the host that will not change?

Hello. the ip was assigned at random from a dedicated pool. we do not know what was the ip you will be assigned and we couldn`t get You to inform

Question: But at least You were aware that the IP changed? Could You in such a situation to send any notification?

notices were sent. please check the folder \"spam\" if jsmoove not reached

Question: Unfortunately, neither in the spam nor in the other folders of the letter with the notification about changes of IP addresses on the hosting is not. Although reminder letters on the extension and paid hosting come perfectly and without losses. I hope this situation will not be repeated in the future. Otherwise, I have to assume that Your service is poor, and will notify this situation to their colleagues.All the best.

thank you for contacting the technical support

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