Possible solutions of your questions

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Question: from the sub-folder /public_html/cdn/images missing most of the files. how do you explain this ?


please Wait, the request is sent to the administrator.

Question: and what happened to DNS? I can`t even get through to those files. example - http://cdn.4mycar.com.ua/images/1/00497520.jpg what do you have going on?

please Wait.


please Do a trace to Your domain: start - run - enter cmd - in the black window enter tracert YOUR DOMAIN - after click to highlight - making enter - skopirovat here in the ticket

If You are experiencing zatrudina, view instructional videos http://ded07.net/helphost/tracert.htm

Question: Tracing route to cdn.4mycar.com.ua []with the maximum number of jumps 30: 1 6 ms 1 ms 1 ms [] 2 2 ms 2 ms 1 ms router [] 2 3 ms 4 ms 2 ms iprt-core-v241.kh.rostnet.net [] 4 10 ms 12 ms 11 ms pitline.ix.vl.net.ua [] 5 14 ms 16 ms 12 ms pitline-gw1-10g.ukrnames.com [] 6 9 ms 17 ms 18 ms zala.host17.info []Trace complete.

the ip should be

change the DNS domain name


or specify the ip 

Question: changed the ip, worked. I`ve created a subdomain a-record. if you change IP, write amp all one can drop the service.


Question: Good afternoon. Again the same problem, give the actual ip of the domain

Hello. Specify < / span>

Question: pointed out, is not helping

please contact the box not on your domain

Question: it is not in the box, but the fact that the files placed in your hosting account with no access. example - http://cdn.4mycar.com.ua/images/1/4905791904.jpg the reason is most likely that you have changed again the ip of the server where is hosted my subdomain

please Check now.

Question: helped. the huge request to stop send the mail access credentials and passwords in the clear

you have mail is not secure? in what form you can send the password that would you read it?

Question: mail is protected, but there are certain rules of safety. it is better to do via links and forms password recovery, an explicit password is not shining.

Specify which letter you got the password in plaintext.

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