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Question: Tell me what the value in the si system panel CPU Usage ??? I have a 92 percent out of a hundred is bad ???

Hello. This means that you are using the allotted processor resources to 92%. website optimization is required. we can offer You our vps servers http://erahost.ru/tarif_vps.php

Question: Does it kind of promotion in search ??? and what are the ways to reduce the load you recommend for word press ???


Prolonged excessive stress can be a result of unavailability of website to search engines. You need to optimize the scripts on your site. Disable unnecessary plugins. Do you have any third-party connections on the website?


familiarize yourself with the test result site: https://tools.pingdom.com/#!/bAtzxe/v-sochi-kvartira.EN


Yes, it can have an indirect effect, because if, at the time when the site will search robot will roll, the site may not give the page or do it with a delay, that the search robot does not like.

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