Possible solutions of your questions

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Question: Good afternoon.With the installation of the engine umi.cms occurs ошибкаhttp://bicarbonat.i-cosmetolog.com/install.rrhodes to know the reason.

please Check the rights for folders and files.
Rights should only be 644 for files, 755 for folders. Permissions 777 prohibited and do not require
In the file .htaccess should not be of type php settings php_value, php_flag. php is running as cgi and make these customizations in the php files.ini .
Error You can see in the control panel, the error Log

Question: Thank you. Changed the permissions on the file.Please forgive me for disturbing you, at the stage установкиhttp://bicarbonat.i-cosmetolog.com/install.drvsyskit ошибкаhttp://errors.umi-cms.EN/15000/

specify what error occurs?

Question: error 15000информация error:http://errors.umi-cms.EN/15000/

in the above link you page with the message

If you are installing over an existing website, its contents will be replaced by the content of the UMI.CMS. It is strongly recommended to perform a backup (copy) of your site.

you put the system on top of the existing?

Question: it is installed in an empty folder.Error occurs after\"I Confirm that I did backup all files\" and \"next\"

what backup files if you make Ustinovka from scratch?

Question: perhaps the installer is advising you to make a backup out of politeness, but God knows better.

your files have 666 rights, permissions must be 644

Question: changed 666 to 644 for files.when you install the same error

verify the installation options, we will check.

Question: bd-name: sdr99521_bicarbonatbd-user: sdr99521_bicuserbd-pass: ETOuQzbTA+E3

the problem is checked


sorry for the wait , problem is still not solved. the problem is checked


specify where you took a distribution engine, we are hotion install with a clean account


http://test.i-cosmetolog.com/install.php need a key for installation

Question: http://www.umi-cms.ru/downloads/я trying to install trial version for 30 anahata I have purchased \"MultiSite\" version

where to get key for trial?

Question: I apologize for the inconvenience.At this stage, needs your help and konsolidacii no.The leader made the decision to install the \"not trial\" version.Managers study the instructions.Thank you very much for the help.

thank you for contacting the technical support

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