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Question: adamasgold.md is not working сайт504 Gateway Time-out


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Question: no
Question: Error 504 Gateway Timeout (time out) with nginx. As ispravitel this article describes the causes of error 504 Gateway Timeout (time out).Often the error can be see on the server where you installed nginx as frontend and Apache as backend. And many think that the problem is in nginx. This is not so.504 Gateway Timeout means that a client request, nginx gave the Apache, and Apache was not able to set the time limit to return an HTTP response. A little more about the relationship between nginx and Apache in the article about 502 Bad Gateway.Why Apache could not answer?Most likely it`s the increased load on the site where the Apache does not have time to give HTTP responses and new requests are queued. Customers are \"hanging\" in the queue, but in a reasonable time they did not have time to serve, so the connections are reset.To solve the problem, you can add server resources, particularly RAM, and to increase the number of httpd processes (Apache). Another option is to optimize the performance of website scripts to run faster. If you on a regular virtual host, without the efforts of the administration the situation does not improve. If the problem is not solved, it is necessary to look for another provider.Another possible cause of error 504 - executable script does not fit in the allotted time limit. This happens when the script refers to other sites or just doing a serious operation, for example, builds a search index.Solution: increase the value of the PHP parameter max_execution_time or to facilitate the script.


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