Possible solutions of your questions

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Question: Good time stakanovites please restore the website http://im-rich.ru/ 15 minutes ago.Now as usual in normal mode to clean up the old files (as always) and then ceased to work site, when entering via FTP I saw that all files austie and have a size of 0 bytes.Help to roll back to the nearest available period, happened 10 minutes ago.

Hello. you Denali бекап7 if not then vosstanovit 15 minutes ago is not possible. all backups much older than 15 minutes. backups of files are made once a week bases every day.

Question: Well, you can do Backup the nearest?Even week
Question: I now shake the ROOT DIRECTORY which is available, I will try to simply replace the zeroed file as with the database like normal BCH
Question: And the reason might be reset files? Because with this situation I faced as a hundred a long time on another host and the reason was \"fully occupied disk space\" above the critical which is not allowed to overwrite files.Now see I have 94% free space.

upload the files, then we can vosstanovit from backup

Question: The root directory was empty, too, did not think that it will work at the moment.All you can do is available backup
Question: Which files to download?

which catalog do you consider to be the root? which folder to restore?

Question: I am now set to make a full backup at the moment, then you can do backup, if I can I will write you how to copy over.Cleared the files from the folder \"public_html\" , but only those files which were at the root of this folder \"public_html\" and not in subfolders.
Question: it turns out 29 files the root \"public_html\"
Question: All backup became and bobs, you can make backup.For technical features or only the files in the root \"public_html\" domain specific im-rich.ru

you vosstanovit entire folder public-html?

Question: Yes
Question: Thank you, it works !!!


Question: Seems that it worked, now again hanging
Question: Backup already had?As well as files that are 0 bytes

remove them, we will upload from backup

Question: who to delete?all the files in the root of public_html ?folders I did not touch, only files, 29 PCs ?
Question: deleted all files 29 PCs from the root of public_html


Question: Thank you, Yes indeed it worked,the support as always on top :-)now to make yourself a backup


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