Possible solutions of your questions

<< Previous       evolar.md is not set, no extension

Question: evolar.md is not set, no расширениеJFolder::create: could Not create directory Path: /var/www/coblov/data/www/evolar.md/language/ro-ROОтмена language installation failed to create directory [/var/www/coblov/data/www/evolar.md/language/ro-ro]Package to Install: during the installation process an error occurred: site_ro-RO.zipОшибка when installing Romanianи all rasshireniyami!!!


Opite amps. the problem in more detail.

Question: not installed no расширениеJFolder::create: could Not create directory Path: /var/www/coblov/data/www/evolar.md/language/ro-ROОтмена language installation failed to create directory [/var/www/coblov/data/www/evolar.md/language/ro-ro]Package to Install: during the installation process an error occurred: site_ro-RO.zipОшибка when installing Romanianи all rasshireniyami CAN SET NO EXTENSION in the EXTENSION MANAGER IN the ADMIN

please Wait, the request is sent to the administrator.

Question: the question was solved already or not yet

the expected response of the administrator, wait for amp.


please check the rights on the folders. permissions must be 755

Question: rights to folders 755 already have but not installed still

you already have a folder [/var/www/coblov/data/www/evolar.md/language/ro-ro and  there are files. therefore Ustinovka you have completed

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