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Question: Hello I Have problems with the site intwin.ru, I uploaded a backup from 30.06.16 the root, from there one can this website completely reinstall?


please Wait.


website Files recovery. Database to restore?

Question: Spasiboo the same database is not in this backup? Not yet, check this first.And tell me why now the whole sites so much space? Backups the two sites was about 500 MB, and reinstalling today - about 700, and now almost 2 GB
Question: And he`s not available

check the amps. now.


the Site is available: https://tools.pingdom.com/#!/eyIitd/http://intwin.EN

Question: Thank you, all works And why the size increased?

before copying, backup the folder of website renamed intwin.ru1

If all goes well then this folder can be deleted.

Question: Many thanks for the help

Thank you, that appealed to customer support.

Question: Sorry I`m a little hurried. I now load the old bad backup, we can then reinstall the files to the site folder intwin.ru the line contents-uploads-2016, and need to replace the files from the folder 06 and 07, by inserting in them the folders from current backup. There pictures.I would have done, but I can`t retriverov normal archive with the backup. Vinzip buggy of some sort, and RAR files opens as empty

Folder is now restored.

Question: Thank you very much, really :)
Question: And then again backup files left? You can delete them, it`s all good

the size disca may obnovilsya immediately.

Question: And remained still

use amps. section in Your cPanel\"disk Space\" where You will be able to see the used disk space.

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