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Question: Hello! Tell me when my domain email to send emails(site-call back), come characters ( n≈n╟I▐p╡p╨p╟ I│ p⌠p╩p╟p╡p╫p╟I▐ p≤n╪I▐: p∙p╡PEP╣p╫p╦p╧ p╒t╣p╩p╣I└p╬p╫: 0631201814 p║p╬p╬p╠I┴p╣p╫p╦p╣ p╬I┌pВ©I─p╟p╡p╩p╣p╫p╬: 08.15.16, 14:18:05.) where can I fix it?


In what encoding do you send emails? Must be in UTF8.

Question: Encoding is UTF8, and when I change the gmail or yandex, or letters without krakozyabry

i.e. you change? Describe in detail.

Question: on my website there is a feedback which has the mail [email protected] and on this post come the characters, and when I install gmail or yandex, then everything is fine.
Question: thanks, already working

Thank you, that appealed to customer support.

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