Possible solutions of your questions

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Question: Hello, I do not understand what the problem is. Yesterday everything was fine, nothing else changed, this morning it gives an error when you navigate to the page yesterday, added, help to understand, please


describe the problem in more detail , privedenie specific examples of TK. we are not clear what the problem is and where it can be seen

Question: http://4newsworld.ru/oplata-i-dostavka/?preview_id=283&preview_nonce=4ba4a523a1&preview=true When you navigate to the page gives you no rights to see drafts.I now admin on the website

the message you are not authorized to view drafts. issued by Your website, therefore You need to check kastrioti Your website. what did you change on the site? do You have updates?

Question: nothing changed, yesterday I updated the plugin WP Secutity

so he can create the problem

here`s another view


Question: did not help

please Contact the developers forum, maybe they have an explanation.

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