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Question: Hello! Want to address with the problem. Recently very often the site that is on your hosting starts not responding. This happens several times a day and lasts for several minutes. During this the hosting also comes. In a previous appeal in support said that the server is located in Slovakia.Hence the question - is it possible to transfer it to Ukraine, to the homeland?Here`s a screen - http://s8.hostingkartinok.com/uploads/images/2016/08/2bc1a8915dc3dec168928b3badd43e2b.png

I mean You and our site can not enter? 

Question: Yes

well, we can pornesti You to Ukraine, but is rather a problem of Your Internet provider, because our website has 100% UpTime

Question: if this issue occurs, no one can go to the website, not only amono to clarify whether there is any difference where the server is?

the difference where the server is not. our website is always available. it is on a separate server, or even in another data center, Policom he can not be available simultaneously with your website. he`s in another country

Question: and our website is also still where is?

Yes, it does not really matter.

Question: then make the website not lag
Question: because before there was no problem

what is the meaning lag? we have nothing to do with your ISP. we can try to move your website to Ukraine closer to You

Question: Yes, please, maybe it will resolve the error

application runs


website moved

change DNS to


Question: I can tell where to change it?

DNS change at the Registrar where you registered.

Question: to change here?http://s8.hostingkartinok.com/uploads/images/2016/08/4efb48ce4abe7baefd5745bff8f3e6b4.png





Question: is.and why can`t I connect via ftp?

please give a complete description of the problem. we can`t answer Your question of jobs because I do not know what specifically you are connecting

here are the data you are using to connect and the error you see.

Question: issue resolved, ftp is connected, thanks)
Question: my website is still not loading.what did you mean when talking about Internet provider? is that the Internet gives us.it`s just weird that a group of people in different cities do not display the same website in the same time, as the Internet providers are different.

please Do a trace to Your domain: start - run - enter cmd - in the black window enter tracert YOUR DOMAIN - after click to highlight - making enter - skopirovat here in the ticket

If You are experiencing zatrudina, view instructional videos http://ded07.net/helphost/tracert.htm

Question: C:\\Windows\\system32>tracert gaudium.com.Gerasimovka route to gaudium.com.ru []with the maximum number of jumps 30: 1 1 ms 1 ms 4 ms 2 * * * timed out for the request. 3 36 ms 37 ms 37 ms dtel-ix.kyivstar.net [] 4 31 ms 31 ms 31 ms dtel-ix.as6663.net [] 5 60 ms 62 ms 59 ms 6 82 ms 70 ms 73 ms 7 60 ms 62 ms 59 ms matra.hostven03.com []Trace complete.C:\\Windows\\system32>
Question: this may be due to the fact that has not yet changed the DNS?

you have not yet updated DNS

on what engine your website?

Question: what kind of engine?

what made Your website? it is extremely slow, and it does not depend on the server. connects to the website and that  it works? who did it?

Question: did the previous owner and, I think, on pure html\\css\\php...how can I fix it so that the website is not slowed down?

this should correct the one who created the site, we don`t know how it works. we see that the site uses a lot of external connections, trying to include external sources. if they are unavailable then the site will load slowly. and as for the \"pure html\\css\\php..\" is there Yon net? or did you mean no engine? you have a bunch of scripts in the folder of the website, so website optimization is nothing specific I can not tell mind to a lack of information on the website. only see what a very long time to boot and loads to the seed of the xref.


here is test


posmotrim what is the problem You create external connections. links to external sites

Question: \"or did you mean no engine? \"- Yes, exactly.thank you for the info, will try to fix the whole thing)hope that more will not go to waste)

if a site is \"lost\" due to lack of communication  external sources that if you do this Yon will correct the problem potorytsia and hosting and your provider is also depends Yong

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