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<< Previous       I installed wordpress through cPanel and somehow untied from the domain of the website

Question: Hello! I installed wordpress via cPanel, I wanted to see how it works... Then deleted it but for some reason, then get rid of domain website. That is, I go by the name black-shop.in.ua and I have an error. How to relink to my website?


gives an error potamu that site you have no

upload your website files  in public_html

Question: Website downloaded to this folder
Question: just checked

what folder? the site       must be index etronica, it is not

Question: in the folder \"public_html\". Can we add the index page?

of course possible and even necessary, just zagruzat it via ftp or the file Manager pane

Question: Well, thank you. You have helped me.

thank you for contacting the technical support

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