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Question: can you tell how to register wp-config for your web hosting?


please Specify what you want to provide.


Hello. if you ustanavlivaet website sole no wp-config file To start installation and there should be NO

if you are migrating a site that propisivat it the connection settings to your database on our servers. these settings you create yourself.

Question: I`m interested in whether it is necessary to register a new user in the admin PHP where I put down questions/** MySQL database username */define(`DB_USER`, `travel77_mandry`);/** MySQL database password */define(`DB_PASSWORD`, `?????`);/** MySQL hostname */define(`DB_HOST`, `?????`);/** Database Charset to use in creating database tables. */define(`DB_CHARSET`, `utf8`);/** The Database Collate type. Don`t change this if in doubt. */define(`DB_COLLATE`, \");Thanks
Question: the hosting was on a different server, and there were features in it.localhost write?

if the usernames are the same, it is not necessary.

in the settings, Yes, you need to specify the localhost.

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