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Question: C:\\Documents and Settings\\Vladimir>tracert ecrusgeneve.Gerasimovka route to ecrusgeneve.ru []with the maximum number of jumps 30: 1 <1 MS <1 MS <1 MS 2 1858 ms 2000 ms 1999 ms 3 83 ms 44 ms 48 ms zue-tix-as-a1-01-lb-1.vtxnet.net [] 4 110 ms 108 ms 121 ms zue-tix-cr-76-02-te-3-5.vtxnet.net [] 5 142 ms 140 ms 142 ms zue-tix-br-a1-01-te-1-1-0.vtxnet.net [] 6 103 ms 84 ms 109 ms swissix.retn.net [] 7 212 ms 186 ms 166 ms ae2-6.RT.KM.SPB.RU.retn.net [] 8 219 ms 211 ms 119 ms GW-ComforTel.retn.net [] 9 239 ms 179 ms 149 ms 85-143-184-42.customer.comfortel.pro [] 10 186 ms 108 ms 151 ms the Trace was completed.C:\\Documents and Settings\\Vladimir>


Corrected the DNS, now you need to wait until will be updated in the update, everything should work fine.

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