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Question: Hello, when updating information in a database table, it is reset with the error (estimated error):Error: Field `serialized` doesn`t have a default valueError No: 1364INSERT INTO oc_setting SET store_id = `0`, `group` = `maxy_license`, `key` = `my_order_id`, `value` = `9369`have the assumption that to version 4.1+ problem is not solved, it is possible from the settings to change mysql version, or you can do it yourself. On another server we have installed sql 4.4, such problems do not arise


To the coolant. to change the version of MySql it is impossible, it is set to the entire server, and older versions of now no, all new serwerach already installed 5,6

Question: I mean the version of phpmyadmin. Now in phpmyadmin on this account, on the main page in the block specified on the bottom right - version Information: On another server we have version There is a strong suspicion that because of the version we can`t properly install script cms, or rather to transfer it from one server and domain to this.Just now cms were duplicated within the account with the version (account is on a vps), there are problems with the database and tables in it have arisen, everything went normally.On this account, while maintaining some of the settings of the cms who write their values in one of the tables in the database, it is reset with an error, forcing you to import database on the new.

phpmyadmin is just a script to work with the database. he nmalaysia relationship to the site itself does not and can not have

if You are not satisfied that the version of mysql that the server has 5.6 we can transfer the account to an server with mysql 5.5

Question: You can try other options we`ve tried

will notify when we can start the transfer

Question: Now, the files are not important

Details sent to [email protected]

change DNS

Question: OK thanks

change the DNS and wait for their updates.

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