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Question: Tell me where to change the site encoding to UTF-8

Hello. I do not understand You, please describe where exactly you want to change something.

Question: http://rogan.testar.testforhost.com/podkat.php?k=31 here I am trying to transfer the website and the coding does not match
Question: it seems that this database problem

what is the native encoding for your website? apparently 1251 Ustinovka because with it you have the menu displayed normally.

to change the encoding to ornamentality the whole site

Question: Oh well, here it all works riko.ks.ua ?all records from the database somehow come in the wrong encoding

what is kodirovke your base?

Question: utf8_general_ci

and blah in what encoding? your website correctly otobrazhat menu only if you install in the browser to force 1251

originally, the data in what encoding?

Question: all the file is saved in utf-8 without BOM in .installed htaccess AddDefaultCharset utf-8

please wait.

Question: СЃPanel in our database the data is displayed correctly, maybe somewhere the connection is not spelled out correctly//Settings for database connection$host = \"\"; //host database$log = \"rogan\"; //username database$pass = \"rikoriko\"; //password of DB user$db_name = \"rogan_riko\"; //database name//the Pluggable database$db = mysql_connect($host,$log,$pass) or die(\"Error connect to database\".mysql_error());mysql_select_db($db_name,$db);mysqli_set_charset($db,\"utf8\");

the database Server is localhost

you Have not created a user for the database, create it and link vs your DB in spanel in section MySQL Database.

Question: Damn , not in this case, the database I`m connecting to with a login which is registered and I receive data but not correct, came created a new user and gave all rights to change the connection file to the database this user raspberry the same...
Question: All I did, sent you the config of the connection , and you did not notice the error.

We don`t see problems with the encoding - http://rogan.testar.testforhost.com/podkat.php?k=31

Specify where you see it.

Question: Yes, I`ll write, fixed already

this feature was a mistake - < / span>mysqli_set_charset?

Question: mysqli_set_charset Yes mysql_set_charset


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