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<< Previous       Configure SMTP mail Server

Question: How do I know the data serverone smtp you need to configure JustResponderДля you need to know: smtp Server Address:Username or email address:Password API Key:the Port of the smtp server:connection Timeout:Secure connection:no ssl tlsМетод authorization:LOGIN (Low secrecy)PLAIN (Average secrecy)CRAM-MD5 (High secrecy)


as the SMTP server, You can use any of Your domain.

as a login specify the full mailbox name, and the password to it, then SMTP 25

Question: Everything is configured. Thank you. Please tell me the limit for sending emails per hour.

the Limit of 100 emails per hour, it is common international standard.

Question: Can I increase the limit?

Yes, of course, is 100 on normal hosting. you have a limit rassilka no, only if the email is prisana spam it will be blocked server without the possibility of release. spam is invalid

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